Samstag, 1. August 2020

Hat Gott Frauen Unterordnet?

Die alten Griechen glaubten, die Götter hätten die Frauen als mangelhafte Wesen geschaffen, um die Männer zu strafen und quälen, weil die Götter böse auf die rebellischen Männer waren.

Die Frauen sollten unter den Männern wohnen und die Männer sollten dadurch gequält, dass sie Sehnsucht nach diesen komischen und perversen Kreaturen hätten.

Die griechische Kultur und Philosophie hatten einen starken Einfluss auf alle Volker im Mittelmeergebiet und im Nahen Osten.

Obwohl das alte Testament manche Frauen ehrt, wie Deborah, Mirjam, Esther, Hulda und Ruth, haben die meisten Rabbiner auch Frauen verachtet. Im Gegenteil hat Jesus die Frauen wirklich respektiert und ganz radikal ernst genommen.

In den Zehn Geboten, sehen wir, dass wir nicht nur unseren Vater, sondern auch unsere Mutter ehren sollen. Jesus hat das nicht nur zitiert, sondern er praktizierte, was er predigte.

In der antiken Welt war das echt radikal. Der Vater galt als Chef der Familie. Die Frau musste wie eine Sklavin gehorchen und der Vater durfte seine Sklaven und sogar seine eigenen Kinder einfach hinrichten.

Manche modernen Frauen haben Jesus deswegen zu respektieren gelernt aber viele denken, dass Paulus wie ein frauenfeindlicher Patriarch wäre. Ist das wirklich so?

In der englischen Bibel lesen wir, der Mann ist der “head” (Kopf) der Frau.
Was soll das bedeuten? Auf Englisch kann das Wort “head” auch Chef oder Leiter bedeuten. Auf Deutsch lesen wir ein noch stärkeres Wort: HAUPT.

Ich lasse euch aber wissen, dass Christus ist eines jeglichen Mannes Haupt; der Mann aber ist des Weibes Haupt; Gott aber ist Christi Haupt. 1 Kor 11,3 (Luther1912)

Für Luther war offensichtlich kein Zweifel. Der Ehemann soll der Chef sein. Schluss.
Luther war ein Mann seiner Zeit. Er war von den Kirchenvätern stark beeinflusst.

In den Jahrhunderten nach dem Tod der jüdischen Apostel hatten konvertierte Römer und Griechen die Leiterschaft der christlichen Gemeinschaft übernommen. Sie lasen die Bibel mit römischen oder griechischen Augen und diese Augen waren keineswegs frauenfreundlich.

Was soll es bedeuten, dass der Mann das Haupt der Ehefrau sein soll?
“Haupt” bedeutet “Kopf” aber auch “Leiter, Chef” oder “Befehlhaber”.

Aber das Griechische Wort ist KEPHALE. KEPHALE heisst “Kopf” aber selten “Haupt” oder “Chef”.

KEPHALE hatte sehr oft die Bedeutung URSPRUNG oder QUELLE.

Ich lasse euch aber wissen, dass Christus das Haupt eines jeden Mannes ist; der Mann aber ist das Haupt der Frau; Gott aber ist das Haupt Christi. 1 Kor 11,3

Der erste Mann kam von Christus, denn Jesus ist das Wort Gottes.

Im Anfang war das Wort, und das Wort war bei Gott, und das Wort war Gott. Dieses war im Anfang bei Gott. Alles wurde durch dasselbe, und ohne dasselbe wurde auch nicht eins, das geworden ist. Joh 1,1-3

Die erste Frau kam von dem ersten Mann, von seiner Rippe vor dem Sündenfall.
Dann kam Jesus als Mensch, von dem himmlischen Vater.

Ist von Rangordnung die Rede oder Ursprung?

Denn der Mann ist nicht von der Frau, sondern die Frau von dem Mann. 1 Kor 11,8

denn wie die Frau von dem Mann, so kommt auch der Mann durch die Frau; aber alles von Gott.
1 Kor 11,12

7 Kommentare:

  1. Bill I don't believe anyone bases their beliefs on what Greek or Hebrew culture might have. What commentators in the middle ages believed is also irrelvant. The God of this world determines culture both in the world and in the church- look at the emasculation of male leadership in both over the last 40 years as proof. Egalitarians always point to equality between male and female, BUT no one in either camp has an issue with that we are all equal before God. The issue is not equality its leadership. The leadership that God wants in the church is always male as the priests of the OT were always male and when it comes to prophets there were minor female prophets at times when there was NOT a male prophet to lead. The NT makes absolutely no provision for female leadership in the church service. Women can do everything a man can do, the gifts of the spirit are equally available and that is a good. Further when the millenial reign of Christ comes and the temple sacrifice is restored Ezekiel 37 onwards there is a continuation of male priests. Everything the church represented (Daniels holy people) comes back under the Levi priesthood and there no female priests. Thats God's intention, the word make no direct references or allowance for women pastors full stop. Once again there is equality of standing but clear differences when it comes to leadership. The lawless want it to be female run, Satan wants it to be female run - for him women are more easily controlled. All the greek religions had female priests female leadership in heathen religions is the norm, God differentiated his governance for Israel and the Church from them. The apostate church is todays version of false religions hence female leadership.

  2. How has pagan Greek thinking shaped theology to the present day. I explained this in part in the original version of this blog, but I abbreviated this reposting. Saint Bishop Augustine of Hippo had a dominant influence on theology, not only in the Middle Ages, Luther, Calvin and Zwingli, the three dominant shapers of Reformation thought, all based their theology on Augustine. Augustine's theology was profoundly shaped by his background in the Philosophy of Plato. {Plato's concept of Divine Sovereignty still dominates Reformed theology today. Augustine's negative view of women and sex also influences conservative fundamentalists today.

  3. The bible texts used by egalitarians as evidence of women in senior leadership in the NT are disputed, although I am personally convinced. What seems beyond dispute is that most NT congregations were house churches and there seems no doubt that some of these were led by women.

  4. Some of the fastest growing churches in the world today are in China. I read a report by a missionary who met one of the senior leaders of the Chinese underground church, which is based on house churches. More than 75% of these house churches are led or pastored by women. The missionary quoted the senior leader who expressed his two most serious problems with foreign missionaries visiting China. The two most damaging doctrines coming from the West were Cessationism and the doctrine that women must not lead. The Chinese underground church depends in large measure on the supernatural manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the leadership role of women in house churches. This senior Chinese Christian leader said he was constantly struggling to keep missionaries out of China if they opposed women in leadership. Without female pastors the Chinese house church movement would be crippled.

  5. There is wrong understanding of leadership, not only are we equal as men and women before God we are equal no matter what Paul's analogy about what part of the bidy you are hand or eye. All men are on the same standing as a part of God's people the prophet and the believer. All women are on the same standing as a part of God's people the prophet and the believer. Both men and women are all equal. The leader has more responsibility and accountability but we are still all equal. I can live with that, some clamour for leadership because of personal reasons, thinking they may be more important but when they have their life termination interview the accountability they were under may well outweigh the importance they had in their minds in this life.

  6. Are there major problems with church leadership in our generation? No doubt. I have read that in the USA pastors are burning out and dropping out at an alarming rate. Moral failure of pastors and preachers is an ongoing scandal. There are problems with ministry trying to be seeker friendly and watering down the gospel. There are problems with leaders who are legalists, bullies and control freaks. Need I go on?
    But this is not new. You can see the same things in the bible, in OT and NT. In the Gospels, Jesus was constantly troubled by religious leaders. In Paul’s letters we read frequent complaints about legalistic preachers and self seeking preachers.
    But what has this got to do with female preachers? There have been some issues with prominent woman preachers who have been divorced, but most of the scandals involve male preachers. I see no evidence that the increased number and prominence of female preachers or leaders is a cause of the problems that are so obvious.

  7. There have been questions about some female preachers who have been divorced,but if the same standards were used to judge male leaders, the same problems would be obvious. There have also been women who have pioneered missions that have transformed communities. Jackie Pullinger is the senior pastor of a big mission church in Hong Kong which would not exist if she had not single-handedly initiated a mission into the worst part of Hong Kong around 50 years ago. As far as I know, Jackie Pullinger's moral scorecard is squeaky clean.
